II Meeting Agenda Planning

A private page for II SteerCo to plan meetings, hosts, minute-takers, topics, speakers, venue hosts and other information.

Agenda Planning
II Monthly Meetings are usually the 3rd Tuesday, 08:30-09:30 UK time

Date/TimeHost (Backup)MinutesTopicsExternal Speakers
(if any)
Venue host & contact
(if in person)
19/09/2023, 08:30CathyTristanBHMNoneVirtual
17/10/2023, 08:30TristanCathyCANCELLEDCANCELLED
21/11/2023, 08:30AlisonDeonLydia Puricelli, Antiracist Practice confirmedLegal & General Investment Management (1 Coleman St, London EC2R 5AA)
19/12/2023, 08:30Cathy(Deon)Cancelled Cancelled
16/01/2024, 08:30Nicola Fenton, Polly Shute, Raga d’Silva, OUTspoken Speakers confirmed7IM, 1 Angel Court, London EC2R 7HJ confirmed Karen.Ottley@7im.co.uk, 020 3823 8659
20/02/2024 08:30Bobbi Pickard (Trans in the City) confirmed

External Speakers Planning
List of planned speakers

Speaker & OrganisationTopicMeeting to attendStatus
Max Siegel (he/they) | Director, Trans&
Trans inclusionTo be rescheduledTo be rescheduled
Lydia Puricelli[Antiracist practice]21 NovemberConfirmed
Raga d’Silva raga@outspokenspeakers.com
Polly Shute polly@pollyshute.com
The work of Outspoken16 Jan 2024Confirmed
Bobbi Pickard (https://www.bobbipickard.com/), Trans in the CityTrans inclusion20 Feb 2024Confirmed
Nicki Lambert (she/her) (Bobbi’s business manager) nicki@transinthecity.co.uk, Bobbi@transinthecity.co.uk

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